Dry Sifting

I first was introduced to what I now call 99.999% dry sifted heads back in 1995 at my very first Cannabis Cup. I was lucky enough to end up in a circle with one Robert Connell Clarke, who was lighting up RooR bong full of this amber powder he was calling the 50, but it sure didn't look like anything I had ever seen before. When holding the flame to it, it began to melt and bubble violently, turning to a water like liquid, and dripping into the very tightly woven stainless steel screens that were sitting in the bowl ( several stacked on top of one another ) He was saying' IF IT DON"T BUBBLE, IT AIN"T WORTH THE TROUBLE. A few years later I would learn that he was inspired by his very good friend the Skunkman Sam, who had come up with that saying, and was the maker and grower of the fine resin I had sampled years prior. Now let's go back a little earlier when I had first tried hash, some Afghani first, and then eventually some Lebanese, Indian and Nepali. It was a few years after trying these import hash, that I had finally a chance to try something that was made by a local person from their own Garden. Back then it was very crude, and no one really had the knowledge to purify dry sift to anything behind 20% or so heads. Now you could trim fully cut and hung plants over screens, and get lucky and produce some 70% to 80% heads, which seemed like a whole other level, but nothing compared to the level jump that is made when you go from 80% to 99%. I have been teaching people for the past 15 plus years how to make this themselves with a few tips and tricks. The first of which was carding. Which is pushing contaminant, non-glandular material thru the screen, while leaving the heads stuck on top. A gentleman by the name of Meeze added a parchment wrap to this and came up with the static method many are using today to get 99%. This method is as simple as wrapping a book or dvd in parchment, using the edge of the wrap, you gently drag the parchment across the screen, and the static will pick up heads on one edge, and pushed debris and non-glandular material to the other edge. Two separate brushes can be used to collect these materials, and at this point, there is no faster way for people to access the 99.9 Dry sift headies.